A ministry of hope, freedom, and joy for post abortive women

2 Corinthians 3:18

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Abundant Life

We had our first ministry meeting of the new season last Thursday evening. We listened as many shared their story of how they became a part of Reflections and what God had done in their lives. Some of these incredible women are moving on to new things this year. As hard as it is to see them leave us, we are comforted knowing God is working out His plan for them. And also for Reflections ... because the "seeds of Reflections" go with them wherever they go, and more importantly God is with them. Everyone that comes through this ministry, whether as a participant in the study or as a non-post abortive prayer partner, has a story of God getting a hold of their heart and teaching, healing, refining, loving, and, ultimately, changing them. Really, it is almost impossible not to be a changed person after being involved in this ministry, and seeing God work right before your eyes, and feeling Him work right within your own heart. We see lives transformed each year, and have the honor of "seeing" God and knowing He is "real" ... and that is "experiencing the abundant life" (thanks, Mike!) that Christ offers us. What can be better than that!
Simply His,

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